Dental Number Facts
* 18 yards - the amount of floss bought each year per person
* 10 to 12 - the number of teaspoons of sugar in an average 12 oz. soda
* 122 yards - the amount of floss that should be bought each year
* $2.025 billion - the amount spent on Hallowen candy in 2001
* $1.8 billion - annual amount spent on toothpaste
* $775 million - annual amount spent on toothbrushes
* 78% of Americans have at least one cavity by age 17
* 74% of Americans have some type of periodontal disease
* 3 sodas - the number of sodas that increase tooth decay by 62%
* 45-70 seconds - the amount of time most people brush a day
* 2 - 3 minutes - the recommended amount of brushing time
* $50 billion - the amount spent on dental care
* $100 billion - the amount spent on hair care
* $300 billion - the amount spent on lottery tickets
* 300 types of bacteria make up dental plaque
*1,611,000 - the number of school days missed in 1996 due to dental problems
*600 - the number of cans of soda consumed yearly by the average American!
that you are one of the coolest facts!
What an interesting facts. I agree with all of them!!!