Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Here are some interesting dental number facts!

 Dental Number Facts
* 18 yards - the amount of floss bought each year per person
* 10 to 12 - the number of teaspoons of sugar in an average 12 oz. soda
* 122 yards - the amount of floss that should be bought each year
* $2.025 billion - the amount spent on Hallowen candy in 2001
* $1.8 billion - annual amount spent on toothpaste
* $775 million - annual amount spent on toothbrushes
* 78% of Americans have at least one cavity by age 17
* 74% of Americans have some type of periodontal disease
* 3 sodas - the number of sodas that increase tooth decay by 62%
* 45-70 seconds - the amount of time most people brush a day
* 2 - 3 minutes - the recommended amount of brushing time
* $50 billion - the amount spent on dental care
* $100 billion - the amount spent on hair care
* $300 billion - the amount spent on lottery tickets
* 300  types of bacteria make up dental plaque
*1,611,000 - the number of school days missed in 1996 due to dental problems
 *600 - the number of cans of soda consumed yearly by the average American!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Like us on facebook!

Become a fan on Facebook!! We will be updating the fan page with specials offers, information and pictures!


Monday, March 5, 2012

Dental Implant vs. Bridge

Implant vs Bridge

To replace a single missing tooth

When you're missing a single tooth, the best permanent replacement is a dental implant placed in your jaw to replace the root, and a dental crown placed over it.
Traditionally, a single missing tooth has been replaced by a dental bridge. A bridge requires that the teeth adjacent to the missing teeth are ground down and crowns placed on them. A dental implant, however, not only acts and feels like your own tooth, but it does not require crowns on the adjacent teeth.
Another option for replacing a missing tooth or teeth is a removable partial denture.
Here's an explanation of the dental implant procedure:
1: Before the procedure
Expect a thorough examination. Dr. Gonzalez will take x-rays and examine them closely. He will also check your occlusion, periodontal health, and general health. There are a lot of factors to be considered in planning a dental implant. It will be comforting to you to know that you are in the hands of an experienced expert.
2: Installing the dental implant
A titanium implant, chosen and sized to fit you and the space allowed, will be carefully and precisely placed in the space of the missing tooth. Getting this titanium post placed just right is critical to the success of this procedure.
3: Attaching the new crown
A dental crown, made out of porcelain and custom crafted to fit your mouth, your bite, and the exact color of your adjacent teeth, will be placed. With Dr. Gonzalez's training and experience, you can count on this crown looking exactly like a natural tooth.

4: Final result
With a dental implant from Dr. Gonzalez, you should expect the new tooth to look just like a natural tooth. The fit will be excellent, it will function just like a natural tooth, and it will be completely comfortable. Take care of it the same way you would a natural tooth, with brushing, flossing, and regular checkups, to keep the tooth and the gum tissue around it healthy.

Implant vs Bridge Advantages and Disadvantages

  • A bridge requires placing crowns on the two adjacent teeth. Thus, three teeth are involved instead of one. Later, if there is a problem with any one of those teeth, usually the entire bridge needs to be replaced. A single dental implant is completely separate from any adjacent teeth and is treated separately.
  • A dental implant helps preserve the bone. Otherwise, the bone where you have the missing tooth will shrink over the years.
  • A dental implant can easily be made to look like it is growing out of the gum, so that it looks completely natural. Often, this illusion can also be created with bridges, but not always.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

January Special!

For the month of January we are offering FREE x-rays with an exam for ALL NEW PATIENTS! Call our office today to schedule an appointment.  Can't find time this month? That' s OK.  We will honor the special for appointments in February as long as they're made in the month of January!
Contact our office at: 707-542-1532